Declaration Support ofKathleen E. Finnerty in Support of Plaintiffs Opposition to Defendants Motion to Compel Arbitration & Stay Proceedings January 26, 2024 (2024)

Declaration Support ofKathleen E. Finnerty in Support of Plaintiffs Opposition to Defendants Motion to Compel Arbitration & Stay Proceedings January 26, 2024 (1)

Declaration Support ofKathleen E. Finnerty in Support of Plaintiffs Opposition to Defendants Motion to Compel Arbitration & Stay Proceedings January 26, 2024 (2)

  • Declaration Support ofKathleen E. Finnerty in Support of Plaintiffs Opposition to Defendants Motion to Compel Arbitration & Stay Proceedings January 26, 2024 (3)
  • Declaration Support ofKathleen E. Finnerty in Support of Plaintiffs Opposition to Defendants Motion to Compel Arbitration & Stay Proceedings January 26, 2024 (4)
  • Declaration Support ofKathleen E. Finnerty in Support of Plaintiffs Opposition to Defendants Motion to Compel Arbitration & Stay Proceedings January 26, 2024 (5)
  • Declaration Support ofKathleen E. Finnerty in Support of Plaintiffs Opposition to Defendants Motion to Compel Arbitration & Stay Proceedings January 26, 2024 (6)
  • Declaration Support ofKathleen E. Finnerty in Support of Plaintiffs Opposition to Defendants Motion to Compel Arbitration & Stay Proceedings January 26, 2024 (7)
  • Declaration Support ofKathleen E. Finnerty in Support of Plaintiffs Opposition to Defendants Motion to Compel Arbitration & Stay Proceedings January 26, 2024 (8)
  • Declaration Support ofKathleen E. Finnerty in Support of Plaintiffs Opposition to Defendants Motion to Compel Arbitration & Stay Proceedings January 26, 2024 (9)
  • Declaration Support ofKathleen E. Finnerty in Support of Plaintiffs Opposition to Defendants Motion to Compel Arbitration & Stay Proceedings January 26, 2024 (10)


ELECTRONICALLY FILED Superior Court of California, County of Placer Kathleen E. Finnerty, SBN 157638 01/26/2024 at 11:03:48 AM K. FINNERTY LAW, INC. By: Laurel L Sanders. 3017 Douglas Blvd, Suite 230 Deputy Clerk Roseville, CA 95661 Tel: 916.783.1644 Email: Attorney for Plaintiffs, MARIA CRUZ PEREZ and JOSE REYNOSO SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF PLACER10 MARIA CRUZ PEREZ and JOSE CASE NO. S-CV-0051195 REYNOSO,11 DECLARATION OF KATHLEEN E. FINNERTY Plaintiffs, IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFFS’ OPPOSITION12 TO DEFENDANTS’ MOTION TO COMPEL vs. ARBITRATION AND STAY PROCEEDINGS13 MARIO ASTORGA, TABLE OF 8, LLC, a Date: February 6, 202414 California limited liability company, 3 Time: 8:30 a.m. UNITED, LLC, a California limited liability Dept. 4215 company, DZ ROOSTER, LLC, a California limited liability company, MAJOR 25, INC., Complaint Filed: September 8, 202316 a California corporation, FORTUNATE 5, UNLIMITED CIVIL CASE LLC, a California limited liability company (Amount demanded exceeds $25,000.00)17 and DOES 1-50, inclusive,18 Defendants.1920 |, Kathleen E. Finnerty, declare as follows:21 1 | am an attorney duly licensed to practice in the Courts of this State and counsel22 of record for Plaintiffs MARIA CRUZ PEREZ (“Ms. PEREZ”) and JOSE REYNOSO (“Mr.23 REYNOSO’) (collectively “Plaintiffs”) in this action. The facts stated in this declaration are of my24 own personal knowledge, and | could testify competently thereto.25 2. | have met and conferred with opposing counsel, both Christopher Wohl and26 Carey Blanas, on several occasions in an attempt to schedule both mediation and arbitration. Among other things, we discussed that mediation is a contractually obligated predicate to2728 1 Case No. S-CV-0051195 DECLARATION OF KATHLEEN E. FINNERTY IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFFS’ OPPOSITION TO DEFENDANTS’ MOTION TO COMPEL ARBITRATION AND STAY PROCEEDINGSarbitration. However, as of this date no mediation has been scheduled despite the passage of nearly 10 months since the Plaintiffs resigned. 3. Defendants did not request an appraisal until August 25, 2023, nearly 5 months after Plaintiffs resigned. According to their Opposition, counsel received the appraisal on or about December 26, 2023, but has not yet provided it to me. Nor have Defendants initiated an arbitration — the venue of their choice, despite my request that they do so in order for my client to have a forum in which to enforce their rights of inspection. 4 | communicated to opposing counsel that if the arbitration proceeding was opened by them, | would not have to compel the inspection of the records. They declined to do10 so, reasoning that it was not their client’s obligation to pay (See Exhibits to Casey Blanas Decl11 in Support of Motion to Compel Arbitration). At least as to employment matters, that is not the12 law, and all of these motions could have been avoided if the demand for arbitration had been13 filed. When | asked my clients for a $3,500 arbitration fee retainer, the Plaintiffs told me that14 they were not financially able to do so at that time due, in large part, to the fact that Mr. Astorga15 has not paid them any distributions since April of 2023, or earlier.16 5. On or about June 14, 2023, then counsel Larry Kazanjian provided my office with various records from Fortunate 5, LLC. One of the documents received in electronic format was17 the “FortunateSLLCGeneralLedgerAllYears” exported from QuickBooks on or about Tuesday,18 Jun 13, 2023 03:43:41 PM GMT-7 - Cash Basis, per the data. It contains approximately 26,20019 financial entries, for the period of May 20, 2020 through June 12, 2023. No further financial20 records have been received.21 6. From the above-described data, | was able to run a query against the data for any22 recorded transaction regarding Amanda Cone. Exhibit A hereto is the result of that query.23 7. From Exhibit A | was able to glean that it was Fortunate 5, not Mario Astorga,24 that paid Ms. Cone Check No. 1435 dated December 10, 2020 in the amount of $20,000,25 recorded as an “Owner Draw’, which correlates to the Initial Capital Contribution for Ms. Cone26 set forth in Exhibit A of the Operating Agreement. The Amendment to the Operating Agreement27 states that Ms. Cone withdrew “in 2021”, but it appears that Ms. Cone was bought out by the28 2 Case No. S-CV-0051195 DECLARATION OF KATHLEEN E. FINNERTY IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFFS’ OPPOSITION TO DEFENDANTS’ MOTION TO COMPEL ARBITRATION AND STAY PROCEEDINGScompany in late 2020. There is no indication of a $20,000 infusion of capital from Mr. Astorga correlating to this transaction. 8. It is black letter law that when a corporate entity redeems shares or units that those shares or units are returned to the company’s bank of authorized but unissued shares. Mr. Astorga, however, appears to assert ownership of them as reflected in the Amendment to the Operating Agreement. 9. If the shares or units were in fact redeemed by the company; the ownership percentages would not be 80/20 as indicated in the First Amendment, but would be 67%/33% as reflected in the calculations below: 12131120 12131121 1213112210 Member Distributions: % % Corrected %s Mario Astorga $4,307 63% $600,425 9% $187,110 60% Per tax returns11 Amanda Cone $1,558 Per the GL12 Maria Cruz Perez $2,500 37% 72,754 1% $124,497 40% Per tax returns Total Distributions $6,807 $674,737 $311,60713 OWNERSHIP14 Mario Astorga 40% Mario Astorga 40% 40 67% Amanda Cone 40% Amanda-Cone 0%15 Maria Cruz Perez 10% Maria Cruz Perez 20% 20 3% 100% 60% 601617 10. Attached hereto are true and correct copies of the website information posted at; and18 as Exhibits B, C & D respectively.19 11. Attached hereto as Exhibit E is a true and correct copy of the case titled SEC v.20 AT&T, Inc., 626 F. Supp. 3d 703, 720 referenced in Plaintiffs’ Opposition.21 12. Attached hereto as Exhibit F is a true and correct copy of the case titled GSM22 Wireless, Inc. v. Honarkar, 2013 Bankr. LEXIS 3298, 80 referenced in Plaintiffs’ Opposition.23 13. Attached hereto as Exhibit G is a true and correct copy of the case titled AMP,24 Inc. v Fleischhacker (7th Cir 1987) 823 F2d 1199, 1205 referenced in Plaintiffs’ Opposition.2526 | have read the foregoing declaration and know its contents. The same are true of my27 own knowledge, except as to those matters stated on information and belief, and as to those28 matters, | believe them to be true. 3 Case No. S-CV-0051195 DECLARATION OF KATHLEEN E. FINNERTY IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFFS’ OPPOSITION TO DEFENDANTS’ MOTION TO COMPEL ARBITRATION AND STAY PROCEEDINGS| declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct and this Declaration was executed on January 25, 2024 at Roseville, California. S tc ee ay Kathleen 0 y10111213141516171819202122232425262728 4 Case No. S-CV-0051195 DECLARATION OF KATHLEEN E. FINNERTY IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFFS’ OPPOSITION TO DEFENDANTS’ MOTION TO COMPEL ARBITRATION AND STAY PROCEEDINGSEXHIBIT A| 2/8 ge ge 82q8 alg Seeeg 3s Bas as ses ee a8 eg B82 8888 a8it8 ze sls os et gle gs BB 22 oo © 0 6 & eee zs eSe i BES . RS aE teee gle¢ Bia a a1? @ 3638 eso gs gs sia BS gs es sz 2a Zo aaa 22 3 535 22 g28 ge seee a0 666 ge22 I 22 8 §& ae ze << Bs EEEESE ze zie Se £5 33233 S35 3s beeiid BEES cles es g/2 a) 2 =/8 ae BE eee 8 esese2o i ze ye A sateic 8 BEERS ge 2/8 a® Ss 2 35 ae als g aoa sss $ a8 zie es 2 2 2 ee 2222 Be 8888 Sees 8 <> 5 at aagaa go 3/< RE a4 g/8 8 RRS aoa g\s & Z)a 428 a2 Zgggqggg 2/22 BE FE af i g\bez 23 asFé i g8 aod i 2/2 88 ii BB Fsgle sie e g§ 58 RSSas RRR g/8 88 828 RRR 8/8 e/S 8 cx 88 = s a8 sss ea8 = seis gs gs ss 88 gq Bees 8s SiSS8aags sgq2eagag a/88 ii Z2 g8 Zz a8 558 § 2 $3 iii 23 gE: ili $8 8S2/9 Ell aa co Hii} e2s og gloa es geeEXHIBIT B1/26/24, 12:24 AM Breakfast — Mario's Early Toast BREAKFAST ‘ickstart your day with 2 hearty breakfast, whether you are meeting for business or gathering with friends. ee£ PRO-FITNESS & GLUTEN FREE BREAKFAST ‘THE S&B SPECIAL (by Jason Salinas) BIONIC FRUIT SALAD Four egg ites, han toca, re tomato sees ane cp of anes wth ‘Sees vara yogurt, coconut, gral, ar homey, ‘ACAY BOWL, —$$_$_$?__ ‘THE CROSSFIT SKILLET ‘Studer bananas strane, ogario ral, and topes with coconat ‘Two eggs ey sip, sweet patos chicken spe savage oon, srapondered sug ‘mushrooms, and prac opp wah Macadam nts and Sesh eed _rocato. Cleef tose PROTEIN SHORT STACK GROUND TURKEY FITNESS SKILLET —————— Proten paneshes 40 grams of pen per eho stack Swed ‘usberies bananas $1.50 wih up Ad Eng whites ground uke, scnach, mustroams, entra end acc Topped eh veh omato sess, Chace of ons. PROTEIN WAFFLE KEEP IT LEAN OMELET Prtein wae wah 40 ramet prot Served wit ep, a ltd or toronae $1.50 Four egg ites, sears veggies wih ede of shed umaioes Choiceof toast GLUTEN FREE WAFFLE OR GLUTEN FREE FRENCH TOAST (4 halves) _— DOMINICK FIT BREAKFAST. ————————___ ‘Four egg any sil, ar cheteo ost oped wth lend avocado GLUTEN FREE SHORT STACK PANCAKES OR — ‘GLUTEN FREE | WRAPSTAR PRO BURRITO ed bles er bananss $1.50 9g whites saved win sesconal vege, trey bacon endeta cheese \arappedinw spinach tri wir seo taquer ean, Sered wth rsh GLUTEN FREE SCRAMBLE AVOCADO TOAST ‘Scramble pgs sotéod onions eshvcoms, ent ft, nd tmsoes, ‘Served ih ech rt ‘SMOKED SALMON AVOCADO TOAST Avocado, Smoked Sue, Moe greens lapped where fae piper ih hore ar alsa get ered on Uk sourdough asst SERVED WITH THOEOGS ANY STYLE, ‘VISCONTI AVOCADO TOAST ‘Cuthed avocado topped wth chery lomstes, tesh mozzarel, thy soe be, le, talcam laze seved on thick sourdough toss. SERVED WITH TTWOEGGS nev STYLE ‘CLASSIC VOCADO TOAST ‘vonnd, Eze Bread baby upla toate onion lopped wi lari sJaus and ase cf eta cheese anda vneparte essing SCRVED Wie TWOEGES ANY STYLE BASIC MORNING COMBINATIONS ‘Two eggs any style served with hash browns, house potatoes, or stead white rice, along with your cheice of untimited, toast, Choose from white, whole wheat, rye, sourdough, English muffin, or bagel. Gluten free toast ada §1, Substitutecog whites add $199, Substitute frut for toast add$1. Organic eggs $1 per egg. EGGS ONLY (no meat) CHICKEN APPLE SAUSAGE cs BACON ‘SAUSAGE LINKS 41/26/24, 12:24 AM Breakfast — Mario's Early Toast BACON HOT LINKS HAM STEAK ‘SAUSAGE PATTIES. LINGUICA MARIO'S FAMOUS COMBOS ‘THE PERFECT TWO COMBO Two lees of French ost or pancakes seve wt wo IDS any st, Wo pace bacon and wo sausage inks rv wh your choice of house potatoes hash lwowrs, seamed white Subetiue Specky Pancakes, afi, Sranbery Wl, Maui ren Toast Preen Walle Pancakes ad 2. in Fre Toot pidge BISCUIT AND GRAVY COMBO ‘Serves wih two eg any sive. tno sles af con and sausage inks, choles of house ptetoes, ish bow, or tamed white NEW YORK STEAK AND EGG COMBO ‘roted New Yor stesk10 ce) cooked to you Thing toppd weh mushrooms an nln sec wh tee eos ays, ered with your cheie of hase Potatoes tach brews or steamed white roe ad ost. CHICKEN FRIED STEAK COMBO (Or you can make ita skillet!) Cubed stesk topped wit cur county gy, two eggs ay twit Fash isco ole of ask Served wth haute protons hash browns seomed witeree SUPER OMELETS {ives ran egg omelet, served with your choice of house potatoes, hash brow o steamed wi choice of toast: ‘white, whole wheat, rye or sourdough. Easel | bread or Chten Fee toast ade 1. Substitute egg whites ad $199. Substitute ‘rl for toast: FOLSOM OMELET PACIFIC OMELET ‘Seusige bacon ham bel papas enone and mustrooms. Topped wih eck ‘Sing, cra sk mon svt wah ite wine tas ute a ad hed cheese, sow crea tomatoes, and chive _nskoheese. Topped wth roca, savey Holds sauce arc capers ROSEVILLE OMELET PERFECTO OMELET ‘rickman susape. ech bel rastwooms adores. Topped th ck Bacon bay spinach, mushrooms, rls an eream cheese. Topped ick ewes ese ‘ROCKLIN OMELET ‘VEGGIE OMELET “Tony sce steak saute wit orion and mustecome, Topped wth moze ‘Season vei ta cheese. topped wih chedarand jack cheer, sour cheese and ser Hlandsae ence, ream tomatoes, nd ete SIERRA OMELET ‘SOUTHERN GRAVEY OMELET Pak lend Cte Verde and jack cheese Topped ih guscarioeout ‘Three eggs park sausage pte, ons, mshoems jack and chet cheese. ‘ream arshouse reste sen Topped wth coun av. SKILLETS SUPER SILLET Your choice ofthe folowing silts wth melted cheese Topped wth two eggs any tye house potatos ‘and your choice of toast: white, whole wheat, rye, oF su 'SAN FRANCISCO SKILLET ‘ALL MEAT SKILLET “Twoegps sorbed, round bee, mushrooms, serach, ons, eam cheese hole of wo gs ay stk, bacon Nam, sausage nk ack and chaser archaise praoes,opped win Famesan cheese and served wih your chalce ches, and house posses. Serve wih you che of eas toast. (CHEF MAU SKILLET BREAKFAST RICE SKILLET Cchaice ct wo ge any ye, tak, sautéed onions ans pepe wih Oring ham bacon, nd wee said iS Suce and ourReuse het ciple sauce. Svedover seamed wine ee wih your choke foes sauce. Toned wih eg ary ee nd ches, BENEDICTS ‘CALIFORNIA BENEDICT COUNTRY BENEDICT Two poached eggs on topo tate Engleh mun ith oss wocada, Fresh bakes becuts, sausage ply and wo pasched eo, taped ith cur boson orped wi ou avery Holand euce. Served with our choce ot cous county tye gay house speci potatoes, hast owns or steamed white ree ‘CRAB BENEDICT EGGS BENEDICT Two poached gs breaced rab cakes, on nglth muti tamstoes, spinach, ‘Twoposched cogs ontop of osted Engh mutins wih Canadian bason andavocado topped wt ou savryHotancle ate Saved wth yourchoce ‘ooped wih ow savory Hollandaise sauce. Seved witherchal of house of house plates hash oun, slesmed whe roe ottes, hash browns,or steamed white nce ‘SMOKED SALMON BENEDICT EGGS FLORENTINE ‘Two poached egg, smoked seton satin bate ra we wine "wo posche eps nop of cst English mufns wth Caradn bacon and ‘ontanstadergsh roti wth tomato avocado, nd nach topped wth cur _sphae oped th cur avey Holantals sce Served wahyou eho of sory Hafan seuce Served with your choice of hose poate hash house peatoes nach browns or stared white ie browns, or steamee wie, VEGGIE BENEDICT ‘MEXICAN BENEDICT ‘Two peaches eqgs anon of oete Englah mn wih sauteed essen “Two poachedegps Chaz on oasid Engsh mufing seca oated house ‘eng, tot. and avocado, topes wih ou avery Holand ance a topped wh cu sorry Hoandoie sauce: Soved ith your eal of ‘Served wih your choice of house ptatoes hash owns estesred whi fe house potatoes hesh bromo seamed whence MARIO'S SPECIALTY SAVORY CREPES ‘Served with your ehoiee of house potatoes, hash browns, er steamed white rice, GRANITE BAY CREPE (MEXICAN CREPE ‘econ ham, sousagelins Jock an cedar hee, toate, non Stutes Mesican Chrz, bel pepe cons, jck ancl cheddar ean, berber Tossed wit sou vear and hh ‘maize blip, oe vecad, oped woh sourerear achive. ‘SMOKED SALMON CREPE WVERA CREPE ‘Sautéed evoked sam in iste bute nd wie wine served ith ead, ‘Seasonal egies. cons bel peppers jas eheese mushrooms, iced aecedo Jckeheese, savory Holanaise sues, and mt gre 5nd epnach espe wi sour ere archives MARIO'S SPECIALTY SWEET CREPES 2141/26/24, 12:24 AM Breakfast — Mario's Early Toast ‘Served with your cholee of house potatoes, hash browns, or steamed white rice, ‘SOFIA'S SWEDISH CREPE ‘STRAWBERRY CREPE “Three cenes wth Lingonbery ter eam sauce ‘Two creses with sieel nd es siawberis, topped with wtpped cea ‘SOMETHING FRUITY CREPE ‘MAUI CREPE “Tw cepes wth seasoal es fut opp wth yogurt and gence ‘Twocrepes wth banans Macadamia us, nd ecco, ed wath eae sauce NUTELLA CREPE WITH BANANASOR — ‘STRAWBERRIES. Two.repes wih tela an your choke of banana or erator topped wahwhinped cream FRENCH TOAST » BELGIAN WAFFLES « PANCAKES FRENCH TOAST BELGIAN WAFFLES ‘TRUCKEE FRENCH TOAST - AN AREA, — ORIGINAL WAFFLE (GLUTEN FREE, add $2) ——— FAN ‘Tie thck hose ex in hale) of Truck See Toast ppedin cr sweet BLUEBERRY WAFFLE ‘ana ream ang chnoman egg bate 1/2 Oder Avaable ‘Topped with Res laevis ored whipped cream. ‘SWEET BATTERED NUTELLA FRENCH TOAST —— BACON WAFFLE Batted French ast sows opp wih Ntea snd whipped cea, “ck ct py ded baconbake inde Baga wate ‘STRAWBERRY FRENCH TOAST ‘STRAWBERRY WAFFLE Tove ick stozs (cua hes) of Track See Toss epeed nou sweet ‘ene cream and ohramon egg: Sued wih sh sewers cream Topped with sweet and desouey fash avanbenie and whiped crea. cheese, ane toed sh hippad cram. 12 Orde arable (MAUI WAFFLE ‘MAUI FRENCH TOAST Macadam, banana, carame sauce, snd coconut “Thee thick shes (tin hae) of Thee Sweet French Toss ped nour BANANA-PECAN WAFFLE ‘et van cream ae cmeron egal, topped with bananas, Mecadaria Roasted pecans. opp with shee brane and whined ere ts caramel eae and coc 1/2 Ord yale TOASTIES (6 pieces) CHEF SPECIALTY PANCAKES ‘Deep French tos. tped wth carome! auce end powdered ssa Served PLAIN (GLUTEN FREE, add $2) waheep, BLUEBERRY PANCAKES: (MAUI PANCAKES Macadamia rt, bana, caramel sau, an ene. CHOCOLATE CHIPS PANCAKES —————____ MORNING SANDWICHES BREAKFAST SANDWICH MONTE CRISTO. ila curdough read wih seabed aes Jack nd hed haces, ‘Sindh irk, and Sis hero on our sweet French cast cnped hobs ‘tomatoe, vocad, cor ham, ad our rear: Served ith youre of ‘ter, led operon, and topsed with pondered sugar Served wth French use plates orhach browns. fee and aso!sup, LOX & BAGEL ‘sed eslmon cream chese per tamses, andre onions served “Trckee Sourdough bagel Seed wit res rt. ALA MEXICANA « MEXICAN BREAKFAST ‘The BAYSIDE BURRITO CHILAQUILES DEL CHEF Cae Asada, embed opps ash os, tt, ansehen alopeno, “Two eggs ey sy served cnr sutds erp com toto, rasta trio sd sour erea. Teen, med cheese, ou era sn avocado Topped with Come AS and green onions, Served with dof Spanish ee a eed beans, ‘THE CALIFORNIAN BURRITO ‘Bacon stele es hash browns, sau eeam chee, areca, 2 CHILAQUILES SINALOA ‘lo, opped wth howe rossi sls rd led cheese To eas sive serves ever sautéed ey corn ais, rast es, meted cheese, sou cream orion, lone, and aocado Served wih Mesean CHORIZO AND EGG BURRITO sve Chviza and le chas, iat four tors Chote, scrambles epg, bel pepe hash own, ‘mustroome.Tepped wih mete chet sour tom and eves Served wet MEXICAN SKILLET na oases eat sn ory. Choice of wo eggs ay styl, Mexicans Chr, bell pepe oon, ck and cheddar cheese, and nous porta, Topped ith savaryHtande MORNING GREEN ENCHILADAS (2) sues casted sla andavecado. Served wih ton Cheese fom hie ved chicka or cheese, Tho egg of sy stoped eh sour eran and chives Served wih parish oe and eta Beane MORNING TACOS ‘Thre ans Crores, onons bel err Topped with scurccem aoc, cheese, orate. and chive, Served snout patos, ach bow, 0: “Thre sof cm ols tuted wih erambd pps, bacon chee, ndpcade teamed white ce, nd side of gsfowtha sides, (CHILE VERDE; aRa$a$_a€j>__ ‘THE FAMOUS CHORIZO AND EGGS Pork and greenssa, serve with oe and bess, wo epg arya seed Medan sil round pork Chr auted wth hee sree 98, orien th euro orn tres. tomato supa ane peppers Sane wth ies chaos Craoee como fou vere ‘MIS HUEVOS RANCHEROS, ‘wo eggs om acum, served over wo spy com tetas wh ete Meise sss. Topped wih rte cheese auscao ad sour ream, Saved ‘th ples chars, Add Cheviza ontop $150 SIDE ORDERS CANADIAN BACON (2) ONE EGS TOAST LINGUICA TWO EGGS ENGLISH MUFFIN. 3/41126124, 12:24AM Breakfast — Mario's Early Toast HOT LINK BISCUITS & GRAVY BAGEL BACON (4) ‘TURKEY BACON BAGEL & CREAM CHEESE —— HAM STEAK HOUSE POTATOES RANCH DRESSING ‘CHICKEN APPLE SAUSAGE BOWL OF OATMEAL SALSA ‘SAUSAGE PATTIES(2) FRUIT BOWL ‘SOUR CREAM BEVERAGES FRESH SQUEEZED ORANGE JUICE COFFEE /TEA GRAPEFRUIT, APPLE, MANGO, CRANBERRY — MILK OR TOMATO JUICE ‘SHIRLEY TEMPLE / ROY ROGERS V8 JUICE HOT CHOCOLATE SODA (free refills) Spite, it co*ke, Roo See Me PDD MILKSHAKES LEMONADE / ICED TEA ‘antl Choccate Srawbery Regularor Aol Parmer Explore Menus Breakfasttttps//mariosearytoastconv/oreaktast/) Lunchtes/mariosealylosstcom/unchy) ‘Mmosa(htps/imariosesrivicast com/mimase-menu/) Catering(hipswrwmacosearyoast convcateing) ‘We Specialize n Breakfast, Brunch & Lurch, Served With The Finest Mimosa in Town. (tps er: fecebookcom/meriosearvoast) @ (haps:/wninstagram com/mars.eashtoast/) About Us ocations(tpslimariosearytoast com/ocations/) ‘Abou Meros(htps:/marioseer toast com/about) Rewards(htis/imariosearvtoast comrewards!) Rewards Help(htps:7mariosearytoastcom/rewardshel/) Careers(hitps:marioseariytoastcomvsareers/) (Contact Us(htipsiimariosearhoast comvoontecl/) Cepjight 2022 A ht Reson 44EXHIBIT C1126/24, 12:24 AM Lunch — Mario's Early Toast LUNCH \s there anything better than a casual afternoon with friends, delicious food, and maybe a co*cktall, or two? SOUP MEXICAN FOOD TRUCK SPECIALS ‘Seqvedwithsourdauob ioest.tomedwithbaconandenves = MAR-GO QUESADILLA ‘Shima. chicken. crab meat onions tomataes, ant mushiooms sautéed with ‘STREET QUESADILLA (Steak, Chicken, or ‘22am. pico de sala, and guacamole, THE HWY 5 BURRITO (Steak, Chicken, or ‘Youcchelae otmeat.rce beans and cheese wenned witha olnt four tol, muted cheese ahvedded lettuce marinated orions nico de gal. and toned — ‘Melted mazzerells cheese on corm tonta svimp. cea crab. chicken sautéed AMERICA’S ROCKIN’ BURGERS! Served with your choice of Fries, Garlic Fries, or Tater Tots, Substitute Salad, Fruit, or Cup of Soup, add $1.00. Add Bacon or Avocado add $1.00 each ‘THE BIG CHEESE BURGER ‘House made orourd beet 6 oz nat ottuce tomato. onlons. pice House-made count bee oz natty jack cheese. onion cng tue. omato mayonnaise. and BRO sauce. Served on tossted Truckee Bread Camaary Btioche bun ems you mushroom Jack cheese Jttus, mato, onions and mayonasive Served on a toasted Trickes Bread SPECIALTY SANDWICHES Served with your choice of Fries, Garlic Fries, or Tater Tots,

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Carnes, Melissa vs. Next Day Fence

Jul 29, 2024 |S-CV-0051815

S-CV-0051815 Carnes, Melissa vs. Next Day Fence** NOTE: telephonic appearances are strongly encouragedAppearance required. Complaint is not at issue - Need responsive pleading,default or dismissal as to Defendant(s): Next Day FenceAdditionally, no proof of service has been filed as to Defendant(s): Next DayFence


SALMONS, JILL vs. FCA US LLC, a limited liability company et al

Jul 29, 2024 |S-CV-0051175

S-CV-0051175 Salmons, Jill vs. FCA US LLC** NOTE: telephonic appearances are strongly encouragedAppearance required. Complaint is not at issue - Need responsive pleading,default or dismissal as to Defendant(s): Folsom Lake Chrysler Dodge Jeep RamAdditionally, no proof of service has been filed as to Defendant(s): Folsom LakeChrysler Dodge Jeep Ram


Payton, Jamie vs. Carey, Jamie

Jul 29, 2024 |S-CV-0052465

S-CV-0052465 Payton, Jamie vs. Carey, JamieNo appearance required. CMC is continued to 10/21/24 at 2pm in Dept. 6.Complaint is not at issue - Need responsive pleading, default or dismissal as toDefendant(s): Carey, JamieAdditionally, no proof of service has been filed as to Defendant(s): Carey, Jamie


GRASSY SPRAIN GROUP, INC. vs. BROCK, an individual, BRIAN S. et al

Jul 29, 2024 |S-CV-0051866

S-CV-0051866 Grassy Sprain Group, Inc. vs. Brock, Brian** NOTE: telephonic appearances are strongly encouragedAppearance required. Complaint is not at issue - Need responsive pleading,default or dismissal as to Defendant(s): Brock, Brian; Brock, WilliamAdditionally, no proof of service has been filed as to Defendant(s): Brock, Brian;Brock, William


Montarbo, Leslie vs. FCA US, LLC

Jul 29, 2024 |S-CV-0052466

S-CV-0052466 Montarbo, Leslie vs. FCA US, LLC** NOTE: telephonic appearances are strongly encouragedNOTE: Defendant has not paid advance jury fees pursuant to CCP § 631.Trial Date & Length: 12/29/25 5 day Jury Trial(Please contact Master Calendar (916) 408-6061 on the business dayprior to the scheduled trial date to find courtroom availability.)Civil Trial Conference: 12/12/25(heard at 8:30 am in Dept. 3)Mandatory Settlement Conference: 12/05/25(heard at 8:30am; report to Jury Services)NO APPEARANCE REQUIRED UNLESS REQUESTED BY PARTY BY 3PM ONTHE THURSDAY PRIOR TO HEARING DATE. REQUESTS FORAPPEARANCE MUST BE FAXED TO THE CIVIL DEPARTMENT, ATTN: CMCCLERK AT (916) 408-6275, AND TO ALL OPPOSING ATTORNEYS ANDPARTIES WITHOUT ATTORNEYS BY 3:00 PM THE THURSDAY PRIOR TOTHE CASE MANAGEMENT DATE. SEE LOCAL RULE 20.1.7.


Air Internation US Inc. vs. Pre-Plastic, Inc.

Apr 11, 2024 |Civil-Roseville |Contract: Breach Cont/Warranty (06) |S-CV-0052537


California Education Fund, LP vs. California Preparatory Academies et al

Jun 27, 2022 |Civil-Roseville |Civil Comp: Other (42) |S-CV-0048670


Hamilton, Taylor vs. Figueroa, Sharaya Danee

Oct 31, 2023 |Civil-Roseville |Auto Tort (22) |S-CV-0051566


Presti, Charlene vs. Martz, Sonja et al

Jun 10, 2024 |Civil-Roseville |Real Property: Other (26) |S-CV-0052976


Pasquetti, Jason vs. Cox, Thomas L et al

Jan 15, 2021 |Civil-Roseville |Other Tort: Professional Neglig (2) |S-CV-0046081


Muir, Denice A vs. Dave's World Inc. et al

Oct 07, 2022 |Civil-Roseville |Employment: Other (15) |S-CV-0049251


Uy-Lane, Ma Theresa vs. Roseville Shoppingtown, LLC

Dec 19, 2022 |Civil-Roseville |Other Tort: Other Non PI/PD/WD (35) |S-CV-0049583


Maharaj, Austin et al vs. Bevzyuk, Vitaliy et al

Mar 19, 2024 |Civil-Roseville |Contract: Breach Cont/Warranty (06) |S-CV-0052474

Declaration Support ofKathleen E. Finnerty in Support of Plaintiffs Opposition to Defendants Motion to Compel Arbitration & Stay Proceedings January 26, 2024 (2024)


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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.