10 Red Flags of Emotional Neglect in a Relationship (2024)

10 Red Flags of Emotional Neglect in a Relationship (1)

Source: By kieferpix/Adobe Stock Images

Emotional neglect in a relationship is the absence of enough emotional awareness and response. It may be invisible to everyone, even the couple themselves, yet it's painful. Both partners are hurt by what is not there.

In a now-classic 2004 study, researcher John Gottman found that the difference between couples that thrive and those that divorce is the frequency with which couples meet each other’s requests for emotional connection.

When it comes to relationships, feelings provide the connection, the warmth, the fire, and the glue. It is vital that couples reach out and respond to each other emotionally.

So what happens if you or your partner simply isn’t capable of requesting or responding? Beyond that, what if it’s no one’s fault?

The Emotionally Neglectful Relationship

If I had to describe an emotionally neglectful marriage in one word, it would probably be lonely. It’s as if you have someone right beside you, yet they are a thousand miles away emotionally. You can see them but you can’t feel their presence. You can talk to them but you can’t talk the way you want to talk. You are with them, but you feel alone.

It’s almost as if there is a wall between you blocking you from them, and them from you. A wall you can see through, but you can’t get through. That wall is made up of emotional neglect.

How Childhood Emotional Neglect Creeps Into a Marriage

Actually, it doesn’t exactly creep in. Instead, it strides through the back door, silently and stealthily undermining communication, connection, compassion, and warmth in your relationship.

Usually, emotional neglect is brought into the marriage through the childhood of one or both of the partners. When one or both partners comes from a family that’s not aware of feelings and under-attends to them (childhood emotional neglect), that partner naturally continues that process.

Growing up with emotional neglect makes you blind to your own emotions, the essential ingredient that is absolutely necessary to connect in a real way with your spouse. The “emotion blindness” also extends to your partner. You may have difficulty noticing and responding to their feelings as well. This may result in an emotionally lonely partner.

If you and your partner both brought the emotional blind spot into your relationship, then a somewhat different problem ensues, because neither of you can see what’s missing. Neither of you may realize what should be happening and what you should be feeling. With no one able to call out the problem, you are in danger of slowly, painfully drifting apart until the growing wall of emotional neglect distorts your vision of each other, and the positive, healthy feelings that brought you together slowly drain away.

The Issue of Blame

In most families, blame has no place when it comes to emotional neglect. No child asks to be emotionally neglected, and most parents have no idea they’re emotionally neglectful. That’s how emotional neglect works: The emotional blind spot transfers silently from one generation to the next.


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But, while no one is responsible for the emotional neglect they received, once we are aware of the problem, we are responsible for the emotional neglect we give. Once we see it in ourselves, we become the change agent. We become responsible for stopping the cycle.

No one says it’s an easy “fix.” But the problem of emotional neglect in a marriage can be resolved. The skills of emotional intimacy and connection are learnable.

10 Signs That Emotional Neglect Is Silently Undermining Your Relationship

  1. You and your partner misread each other’s true feelings, actions, thoughts, or intentions very often.
  2. As a couple, you avoid bringing up difficult things so as not to upset the other.
  3. You haven’t figured out how to argue productively.
  4. Your conversations are mostly focused on facts, events, or logistics.
  5. Your spouse is not the first person you want to tell when something great happens or a problem comes up.
  6. If you seek comfort from your spouse they often say the wrong thing.
  7. You don’t feel like you’re a team taking on life together.
  8. You often feel alone when you’re with your partner.
  9. It can be difficult to find something to talk about together.
  10. Positive emotions like love, warmth, or emotional bonding feel awkward or only happen during sex.

Marriage Essential Reads

What Is Marriage Language and How Does It Work?

Two Hallmarks of an Emotionally Fulfilling Marriage

10 Red Flags of Emotional Neglect in a Relationship (4)

Source: Monkey Business/Adobe Stock

So What Now?

First, if some of these 10 apply to your marriage, consider the possibility that emotional neglect is at work. Then, remind yourself that blame is unhelpful and unnecessary here.

Now, keeping the Gottman research in mind, think of emotional connection in a new way. Instead of thinking of it as a thing that you either do or don’t have, think of it as an action—a process of give-and-take that you and your partner actively do.

Ask your spouse for emotional support, or to share in a happy, sad, or painful moment. Watch for times when they are requesting an emotional bond with you, and provide it.

Ask – Give – Take. Ask – Give – Take. Each time you do it, you are removing the invisible pain from your marriage. You are healing the emotional neglect, one step at a time.

Finally, instead of being silently hurt by what isn't there, you will be connected and enriched by what you have created together.

© Jonice Webb, Ph.D.

Facebook image: Travelpixs/Shutterstock


Driver, J. L, and Gottman, J.M., (2004). Turning Toward Versus Turning Away: A Coding System of Daily Interactions. In P.K. Kerig and D.H. Baucom (Eds.), Couple Observational Coding Systems, Chapter 13, 209-225. NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates;

Bonnie M. Le, Stéphane Côté, Jennifer Stellar, Emily A. Impett. The Distinct Effects of Empathic Accuracy for a Romantic Partner’s Appeasem*nt and Dominance Emotions. Psychological Science, 2020; 095679762090497 DOI: 10.1177/0956797620904975

Lameese Eldesouky, Tammy English, James J. Gross. Out of Sight, Out of Mind? Accuracy and Bias in Emotion Regulation Trait Judgments. Journal of Personality, 2016; DOI: 10.1111/jopy.12259

10 Red Flags of Emotional Neglect in a Relationship (2024)


What does emotional neglect look like in a relationship? ›

Emotional neglect occurs when a spouse fails on a regular basis to attend to or respond to their partner's emotional needs. This is marked by a distinct lack of action by one person towards the feelings of the other, including an absence of awareness, consideration, or response to a spouse's emotional wellbeing.

What does emotional neglect do to a woman? ›

Emotional neglect in marriage can make your wife feel insecure. It can make her feel that she doesn't know where the two of you stand or how you feel about her. She may jump to the worst conclusions and begin to feel insecure, as if she isn't good enough for you.

When your partner ignores your needs? ›

One of the most common forms of neglect in a relationship is emotional neglect. Emotional neglect occurs when one partner feels that their emotional needs aren't being met. Perhaps their partner has stopped showing affection, expressing their feelings, or giving their time as freely.

How to tell partner you feel emotionally neglected? ›

Express your concerns calmly and constructively, and try to avoid placing blame. Explain how you feel and what you need from your partner. Your partner may not realize that they are neglecting you and may be willing to make changes once they understand how you feel.

How do you tell if someone is detaching from you? ›

What Are Signs of Emotional Detachment?
  1. Ambivalence toward others.
  2. Avoiding people, situations, or activities.
  3. Difficulty empathizing with others.
  4. Difficulty opening up to other people.
  5. Feeling disconnected from other people.
  6. Losing interest in people and activities.
  7. Losing touch with people.
Apr 10, 2023

How do emotionally neglected people act? ›

Emotionally neglected children may feel disconnected from their emotions and have difficulty trusting others, leading to long-term challenges in building meaningful connections. As adults, they may feel chronically misunderstood and disconnected, which can perpetuate struggles in developing healthy relationships.

What is walkaway wife syndrome? ›

So, what exactly is walkaway wife syndrome? In essence, it refers to wives who become so emotionally disconnected and dissatisfied with their marriages that they eventually decide to leave—often after years of built-up resentment. This isn't your typical cold feet or mid-life crisis.

What is stonewalling in a relationship? ›

Stonewalling is a communication behavior characterized by shutting down, withdrawing, and emotionally disengaging from a conversation or interaction with a partner. It often involves one partner giving the silent treatment, avoiding eye contact, or displaying a lack of responsiveness.

What is emotional starvation in a relationship? ›

“Emotional starvation” is really a metaphor for not getting your dependency needs met. In this context, we are not referring to relying on others to make your decisions. Instead, we are referring to the basic need that we have to perceive that we are important to others.

What makes a woman feel neglected in a relationship? ›

Plenty of women who are feeling neglected in a relationship and not getting enough emotional or physical intimacy have low self-esteem. They are not able to approach these issues with their partner.

Why do I feel lonely in my relationship? ›

Here are the three main causes: You're not spending enough time with friends other than your partner. You're having communication problems with your partner. Your partner's behaviour may be toxic, which might be making it difficult for you to connect with them.

When a woman shuts down emotionally? ›

Shutting down emotionally is a form of dissociation, of turning off a connection with ourselves and what is going on. Essentially, your partner may be shutting down because their body is telling them that shutting down is the best way to stay safe. Give your partner grace as they navigate this stress response.

How do you know if someone is emotionally neglected? ›

Signs of emotional neglect in children
  1. Depression. Depression can occur in children as a sign of emotional neglect, especially for peers who also don't have positive peer support in adolescence, according to a 2021 study . ...
  2. Difficulties with emotional regulation. ...
  3. Fear and avoidance of social situations. ...
  4. Low self-esteem.
Dec 11, 2023

What is emotional abandonment in a relationship? ›

Emotional abandonment is a subjective emotional state in which people feel undesired, left behind, insecure, or discarded.

What is considered emotional neglect? ›

Emotional neglect, defined usually as a failure to attend to the child's emotional needs (e.g. never showing emotion while interacting with the child), can also be difficult to spot and quantify, as many parents or caregivers find it hard to provide a safe and loving environment for their children when facing ...

What does severe emotional neglect look like? ›

The following signs may indicate emotional neglect in children: extremes in behavior, including compliance, aggression, or becoming overly passive or demanding. acts inappropriately adult, such as by looking after other children. acts inappropriately infantile.


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